Monday, December 24, 2012

NFL Playoff Picture Scenarios -- Final AFC Seeds

So we finally have our six AFC playoff teams. Houston, Denver, New England and Baltimore are division champions and Indianapolis and Cincinnati are your wild card teams.

Indianapolis is locked in at the No. 5 seed and will play at the No. 4 seed on wild card weekend. As you'll see below, that will likely be Baltimore hosting the Colts, but could be New England if Baltimore wins and the Patriots lose.

Cincinnati is locked in as the No. 6 seed and will play at the No. 3 seed wild card weekend.

Seeding scenarios for the AFC

HOUSTON can be #1 seed with:

- TIE + Denver loss/tie OR

- Denver loss + New England loss/tie

HOUSTON can be #2 seed with:

- New England loss/tie OR

- Denver loss

If none of above occur, Houston will be #3 seed.

DENVER can be #1 seed with:

- WIN + Houston loss/tie OR

- TIE + Houston loss

DENVER can be #2 seed with:

- WIN/tie OR

- New England loss/tie

If none of the above occur, Denver will be the #3 seed

NEW ENGLAND can be #1 seed with:

- WIN + Houston loss + Denver loss

NEW ENGLAND can be #2 seed with:

- WIN + Houston loss OR

- WIN + Denver loss

NEW ENGLAND can be #3 seed with:

- WIN/tie OR

- Baltimore loss/tie

NEW ENGLAND can be #4 seed with:

- LOSS + Baltimore win

BALTIMORE can be #3 seed with:

- WIN + New England loss

If this scenario does not occur, Baltimore will be the #4 seed.

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