Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Massachusett Senate Race Results and Scott Brown Acceptance Speech

The Massachusett Senate race results would have come to a shock to most as Scott Brown has beating his Democratic challenger Martha Coakley. The race for the seat had been a very close one, with brown winning 52-47 percent; you can watch his acceptance speech below.

This outcome will not be a favored one at the White House, as this certainly changes things. The balance of power has been shifted to the Republicans, this will now put President Barack Obama’s health care proposal in serious trouble.

The deciding factor in the outcome of the Massachusetts results was the independent voters, Digital News Report said, “Tonight the independent voice of Massachusetts has spoken.”

The defeat of Martha Coakley is a shocking one; many have not even imagined Brown winning. The result means that things will change in the Senate, we will now have to wait and see what those changes will be.

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