Friday, November 16, 2012

It looks like Hope Solo and Jerramy Stevens indeed got married

I think we can now safely say that U.S. soccer star Hope Solo and former Seahawks tight end Jerramy Stevens appear to have gotten married this week, following through on their planned wedding Tuesday evening despite spending the day at Kirkland Municipal Court for Stevens’ domestic violence arrest.
Hope Solo Jerramy Stevens composite
Hope Solo and Jerramy Stevens. (Getty Images photos)
By Tuesday night, there were already reports that the marriage had indeed happened, as KJR radio’s Dave “Softy” Mahler reported via Twitter that all the court proceedings didn’t change Solo’s and Stevens’ plans. Just an hour before, one of Solo’s national team teammates, goalkeeper Jillian Loyden, had tweeted that she was “happy to witness such an amazing celebration of real love,” suggesting the wedding had happened but not giving enough details for the rest of us to be certain.
On Wednesday, the day after the happy event, KING-5′s Chris Daniels reported that he talked to a wedding attendee who said the occasion was “beautiful.” He also got his hands on some photos of the couple together, with family and with friends, sent to Daniels “by someone to wants to show how happy both Solo and Stevens are with each other,” Daniels tweeted.
Meanwhile, none of this was quite satisfactory enough for us at to report that Solo and Stevens had indeed gotten married. We continued to check King County marriage records, and while their marriage application continues to be viewable, a true marriage certificate has yet to be made available.
But now, on Thursday afternoon, there’s a preponderance of evidence — to use a legal term — that the couple have indeed tied the knot. Reports continue to fly every which way, mainly citing Mahler and Daniels, that Solo and Stevens got married in a small ceremony near Snohomish on Tuesday night.
At 2:37 p.m. Thursday, Solo tweeted a photo of her and her new hubby in front of some trees somewhere around here (tweet embedded below). “Sunny beautiful day Seattle!” she wrote. In the photo, Stevens is wearing a ring on his left ring-finger — a ring he wasn’t wearing a few weeks ago in a picture of the two of them posing with jack-o’-lanterns.
Proof? No. But considering all the reports, the photos and the “witness accounts,” I think it’s time to pronounce them Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.

In case you missed it somehow, Stevens was in court Tuesday in a domestic violence case involving his then-fiancée. The former Huskies star, who was once accused of armed assault and rape, was taken into custody during an incident at a Kirkland house Monday in the early morning hours.
According to a police report, Stevens was arrested after police were called to an altercation in which Solo’s older brother, Marcus, used a “stun gun” while allegedly fighting a group of males who were not invited to a party at the house. Marcus Solo, 34, was the one who called police Monday, and when officers arrived they found him with blood on his forehead and knees, and a recently bruised eye.
Officers talked to him outside the house, and Hope Solo emerged from the home with blood and a fresh laceration on her elbow. She was intoxicated and yelled several times to her brother, “Don’t say anything to them, Marcus,” according to the police report.
Marcus Solo told police there were approximately eight intoxicated people in all. But the unwanted guests were said to have left before police arrived, and police did not locate them. Officers reported finding drops of blood on the kitchen floor and another woman lying on the kitchen floor with a hip injury.
An officer found Stevens purportedly asleep on the floor of an upstairs bedroom. According to the police report, Stevens said he had not heard the altercation between Marcus Solo and the unwanted male guests. Police asked why Stevens was hiding on the floor behind the bed; Stevens told police he wasn’t hiding but was sleeping.

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