Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Are the H1N1 Vaccine Risks Worth the Reward of Not Getting Swine Flu?

H1N1 vaccine risks are a major concern for many Americans this flu season. With flu season just around the corner, many people are getting not only the flu shot, but the H1N1 shot as well.The H1N1 flu virus, also known as the "swine flu" has claimed the lives of several individuals. According to the CDC, those at high risk for the H1N1 virus are children under 2, individuals over 65, pregnant women, individuals with certain chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and HIV, and children under 19 on aspirin therapy.

For the high risk group, the H1N1 vaccine risks may be worth the reward. The H1N1 virus is more likely to claim the lives of one of the high-risk individuals than it is someone who is completely healthy.

Pregnant women and those caring for infants under 6 months of age are suggested recipients of the H1N1 vaccine. The H1N1 vaccine risks may be worth it for those trying to protect their children from the virus.

CBS's The Early Show discussed one of the most disturbing H1N1 vaccine risks. Someone who takes the H1N1 vaccine could develop GBC - Guillian Bar Syndrome. Dr. Jennifer Ashton estimates that this risk is only 1 in a million vaccines.

Still, that's one of the H1N1 vaccine risks that freaks people out. According to Dr. Jennifer Ashton, GBS is a "rare, neurologic disorder that has elements of an auto-immune condition in that some trigger (usually an infection or rarely a vaccination against an infection) results in a progressive weakening of nerves. GBS starts in the legs and works its way up the body."

80% of GBS patients have a full recovery about a month after their onset of symptoms. 2 to 3 people can die of this disorder.

I will take the risk of getting a bad case of the flu over the risk of getting GBS. The H1N1 vaccine risks are just too high for me.

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