Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Notehall Wants To Be The eBay For Lecture Notes

If you’ve been a student before, you know how easy it can be to fall behind if you’ve missed a lecture or two. Notehall has a solution for you, with a smart marketplace that allows you to buy and sell lecture notes and study guides.
Founded by four University of Arizona students DJ Stephan, Sadi Chalfoun, Sean Conway, and Justin Miller, Notehall launched earlier this year with an undisclosed seed round from DreamIt Ventures. Starting with their native University of Arizona and Arizona State, the site has continued to add more coverage as it expands to offering services across the vast network of colleges in the United States.
The system is simple enough. Anyone can sell lecture notes or study guides using Notehall, and they earn 75 cents and $1 per download respectively. Buyers can either earn or purchase credits which can be used to obtain the downloads. Credits can be earned through member referrals, rating notes, or if you’re selling you can opt for credits instead of a cash payout.
Credits are offered in packages, with the most popular package of 300 credits for $6.99 delivering the equivalent of three study guides and 12 lecture notes.
Notehall is set to boom following an appearance on the ABC show “Shark Tank” October 6.

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