Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Record number of students attending UWGB

A total of 6,549 students are earning credits at UWGB this fall, up 310 from last year’s record-setting 6,239, according to the university.
UWGB also has its largest freshmen class with 1,041 students, 75 more transfer students than last year and 91 more students enrolled in its adult degree program.
The university reports strong retention, especially from last fall’s freshmen class, as well as from students who started in the spring.
Another factor was the decision to keep open the application period for new freshmen and transfer students from the local 11-county area until mid-August. UWGB reports more than 300 students — 81 new freshmen and 227 transfer students — applied to UW-Green Bay during the extended application period.
“The plan to keep our admissions period open longer led to many local students taking advantage of a unique opportunity,” admissions director Pam Harvey-Jacobs said in a statement.

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