Friday, November 9, 2012

Global reactions to 2012 election results

Over 100 million Americans headed to the polls to cast a vote in the US presidential election. What do you make of their choice?
Reactions by continent:
North America
UK & Europe
South America
Supporters cheer as President Barack Obama delivers his rousing victory speech.
Supporters cheer as President Barack Obama delivers his rousing victory speech. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
After 523 days on the trail for US presidential challenger Mitt Romney, 101 campaign rallies for President Barack Obama and more than $6bn in campaign spending from all directions, more than 100 Americans made their ways to the polls to cast a vote.
They chose to give President Barack Obama four more years.

How do you feel about the outcome? Your reactions

See a bigger version of the map here Help us map a global response to the US election. Use the form below to describe your reaction to the election by choosing one out of three emotions -- positive, negative or indifferent -- and then tell us why.
You can also share your thoughts and photos on Twitter by using the hashtag #USElectionReaction, tweeting @GuardianUS, or by emailing us at, and we'll update this piece throughout the day with your reactions.
Update: We're closing submissions, but view the global reaction map here.
More coverage:
Election results, state by state
Obama wins four more years -- as it happened

Your reactions, by country - North America

Obama supporters Supporters cheer at the end of President Barack Obama remarks during an election night party Photograph: Matt Rourke/AP Jordan R writes on Facebook:
So proud of my president! Even though I live in a red state I proudly cast my vote for him. We're moving forward as a country: on women's rights, lgbt rights, healthcare, concern for the environment and a belief in science and working together has won out over fear and hate, albeit narrowly. No matter what would have happened, I would have loved my country, but I'm so much more proud of it now.
tlsmith63 writes in a comment:
So relieved Obama won. Wish he had won here in TX, but have to remind myself that he got 3 million votes in this state. When I moved here from CA I thought that just about everyone in this state was probably against Obama. 3 million--not bad. Maybe when the demographics really start to change TX will go blue.
User Paul Skilbeck links to this Facebook album he's created of how the world's media covered the US election night from their website front pages.
Yatch writes in a comment:
As an American living abroad with an elderly Father dependent on programmes such as Medicare, I am happy that Obama was re-elected. Surely Romney and his hideous crew, including the mentally challenged Antichrist masquerading as Batboy Mr Ryan, would have made things much worse for him. Having said that, the 50,000,000 + Americans on Foodstamps under Obama have little to cheer about, as their lot isn't likely to improve under the second term of a man who is, in the end, a great friend of the Corporatocracy. And the Palestinians of the Gaza, as well as the many civilian drone-related casualties-to-be in Pakistan, have little to cheer about now that the Man of Peace, Noble Laureate that he is, has returned to Pennsylvania Avenue.[...]
In the end, today is not a day for rejoicing, just for a form of weary, resigned relief. No matter how you look at it, that's just not good enough. But, for now and perhaps for evermore, that 's all we have -- unless, or until, we choose, as a a do something about it, and take back all that has been stolen from us, and that rightfully belongs to us – "We the People…".


Dave Raftery, who has added his reaction to our live map, has shared this gif with us to show how he's feeling:

This is a vote for the "47%" - I think we all want to live in a world where people have a fair go and a right to basic services - healthcare, education, the pension. I hope the Republicans learn that lesson and come back next time as a credible alternative.
All the way from down under, congrats Barack you are sooooooo my hero, love you and would marry you if Michelle hadn't got to you first!! Just kidding, an A M A Z I N G win, keep up the good work as I know and trust you will.
All the very best from all us Aussies, especially, us African-Australians!!
best wishes and kind regards,
Lizzy :)
Jelly Hopkins sends in this gif:

UK & Europe

longgone35 writes in a comment:
To the old & new prez, to social and sensible opinion and the community still winning over separatism and now useless old conservatism in America.
The Americans have been teetering on a dangerous edge (as we in Germany know from the time F.J. Strauß wanted to become chancellor...), but they came out still standing on firm ground.
Hearty congrats - it was one easy exhale for me this morning, instead of a fearful intake of breath, held for the next 4 years...
Let's hope this vote means that more and more Americans are now able to recognise, that more state legislation for the betterment of the many struggling doesn't automatically mean the death of man and woman as an individual.
Let's hope that finally, somehow, the Reps come to the conclusion that helping the nation get better, not opposing the "other party" for the sake of opposing the other party, and thus cementing their own party (views), is their true political task and duty.
Let's hope that president Obama finds the strength (+ the best advisers) and keeps his hopes, that the change he has been toiling for is reachable in the end.
What a good morning this is....
And we have our first indifferent tweet of the day! This comes from Germany:
David Hill in the UK also was indifferent:
Born in 1943 And very interested in politics, I cannot remember a single US election that has had any significant impact on UK life
France is a bit more positive:
A tweet from Anna Williams in Belfast:

South America


A young Indian girl dances as she wears a hat celebrating outside the US embassy in New Delhi, India. A young Indian girl dances as she wears a hat celebrating outside the US embassy in New Delhi, India. Photograph: Kevin Frayer/AP Dian Migi J:
well im proud for Obama even im only indonesian, but yeah good for you american :*


Sarah Obama, step-grandmother to Barak Obama, reacts with members of her family in the hamlet of Kogelo in western Kenya during the anouncement of Obama victory. Sarah Obama, step-grandmother to Barak Obama, reacts with members of her family in the hamlet of Kogelo in western Kenya during the anouncement of Obama victory. Photograph: Tony Karumba/AFP/Getty Images Paul Rowlston in Johannesburg, South Africa, adds his feelings to our map:
Vast relief. The prospect of a Zomney Apocalypse was too much too frightening for words. 1st black president is a 2 term president. hurrah.
Also on our map, Stan Kurowski wrote from Egypt:
"If I believed in a deity, I'd thank him for the result!"
From Kenya, here's what reader Thomas Kaberi had to say on Twitter:

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