Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snow and Severe Weather Today. More Storms on the Way

1. Below is a map of the Rapid Refresh model of total snowfall through this evening. Convection coming north will cause some very high snow rates across Pennsylvania up into New York and New England with some surprises in regards to snowfall. The storm for the most part has behaved as predicted in regards to the snowfall and severe weather. 2. The other map shows the severe weather threat across the eastern Carolinas. That threat goes through 6 p.m., and after that the front will have plowed off the coast.
3. In the video, I showed the GFS model and the next two storms coming. With the NAO positive and PNA positive, expect more flat waves and no storm winding up along the East coast. However, flat waves of low pressure can produce moderate amounts of snow meaning 2-6 inches. I think the next storm this weekend has the chance to produce snow into the I-95 corridor Saturday. The one next week should follow the same path as the current storm. Severe weather across the South will be another issue with the next two storms.


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