Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rob Kardashian split: Rita Ora slammed as 'Rita Whora' on Twitter

Did Rob Kardashian just call Rita Ora a slut on Twitter? Maybe.
Rumors of a Rita Ora and Rob Kardashian split began to surface last week, and Kardashian's recent Twitter tirade Monday morning seemed to bump rumor to reality. Though Miss Ora isn't mentioned by name, she is his most recent love interest (the two had reportedly been dating since October) and that is leading many to assume the remarks were aimed at her.
"She cheated on me with nearly 20 dudes while we were together. I wonder how many she will sleep with now that we are apart? But I mean 20?!!!"
Rob Kardashian Split: Did Rita Ora Cheat 20 Times?
Kardashian's tweet was short and to the point, but perhaps too much so; Kardashian deleted the terse tweet soon after posting it. At first, it seemed big sis Khloe Kardashian-Odom's tweet suggesting her younger brother maybe not air his dirty laundry on Twitter hit home. But far be it for a scorned lover, let alone a Kardashian, to stay silent long.

Later Monday, more seemingly post-split tweets emerged on Kardashian's account. "When a woman cheats on you with one man I can live with that. People make mistakes, trust me. I have forgiven numerous times...But when a woman disrespects herself by messing with more than 20 men all while being in a relationship with a Faithful man..."
Kardashian continued in follow-up tweets, twisting the knife as he plunged it deeper. "I just don't get how a woman can do that to her body. And your career hasn't even launched yet. I don't put up with sloppiness. LOYALTY."
For their part, the Twitter crowd quickly chimed in on the situation. Before long, "Rita Whora" was trending as the online gossip mill worked over-time.
While the Rita Ora and Rob Kardashian split may not surprise many people (does a Hollywood split ever surprise anyone anymore?), it's always a shame to see a cute couple call it quits.
If Rita can't find love with one of the "nearly 20 dudes" she is now very-publicly accused of bedding, maybe there's a chance for reconciliation? We doubt it, but stranger things have happened when it comes to celebrities in love...stay tuned!
Source: www.examiner.com

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